Gong xi fa cai!

20120123-153417.jpgWe’d like to wish everyone a very Happy Chinese New Year!

We’re in Teluk Intan, Malaysia with our good friend Pey Shan and her family to celebrate the occasion, and are happily enjoying the festivities.

Last night we had a huge feast of steamboat, and we’re about to tuck into roast piglet for dinner. This morning we saw a fantastic lion dance, about more while we’ll tell you in a future post.

All the best for the year of the dragon!

Simon & Laura xx



The feast last night!

Happy New Year

From our position here in the future, we’d like to let you you know that 2012 is fantastic, and wish everyone back home a very Happy New Year.

We’ve just returned from celebrating the festivities at the riverfront here in Kampot. Tomorrow we head on to Phnom Penh and onwards on our journey through Cambodia, Thailand and then finally Malaysia.

We were going to give you a kazoo rendition of Auld Lang Syne, but, well, it’s a bit late here now and we don’t want to wake the neighbours.

Happy New Year to all!
Simon & Laura xx